"The truth is consistent..."
Q & A
The first think I would say is, stop eating what you are eating, right now. Do not eat that last harmful thing. It only takes one bite of so-called food or one swallow of an unnatural substance to take you from pending dis-ease into the disease itself. Start drinking lots of the purest water available, immediately. Intake ONLY that which supports your life… natural herbal compounds and natural food from our 'Food For A Healthy You' list.
QUESTION: I already lead a healthy lifestyle. Why do I need Herbal Elite?
When you eat food that was grown in mineral-depleted soil, you are not being fed the minerals you need. Herbal Elite is food, natural plants, rich in minerals. It will assimilate with your body, because it is made of the same minerals present in your body. Herbal Elite feeds you, and revitalizes you on a cellular level, while it removes waste from your body.
QUESTION: I am a vegetarian. And, my diet is great. I eat whole wheat bread and pasta, brow rice, sweet potatoes, corn, soy, oatmeal, honey, yogurt, I drink my wheat grass shots everyday; juice carrots and beets. What suggestions do you have for me to eat even better?
Your diet is a danger to your health. You did not name one natural substance, actual food or anything you should be putting into your mouth here. Starch, sugar, and products of genetic engineering and industrial agriculture is not healthy. Quite frankly, your current diet is creating the perfect environment for disease. I suggest you stop eating what you are eating and begin cleansing... without delay. Start drinking the purest water available, immediately. Intake ONLY that which supports your life… natural food for your body from our 'Foods For A Healthy You' list.
QUESTION: I cannot get my children to change their diet. They eat kid-friendly foods such as chicken nuggets, tatter tots, fish sticks, and lunchmeat. They drink milk, Kool Aid, soda. They snack on chips, candy, ice cream, and pizza. How can I wean them onto a natural diet?
Please stop bringing artificial substances into the home that compromises the health and well-being of your children. It is your responsibility, as their mother, to make sure your family is healthy and being nourished. The items you mentioned lack nutrition and contribute to childhood illnesses, hyperactivity, and set your children up for dis-ease.
Post the 'Food For a Healthy You' list in your home where everyone can see it. Speak with your significant other and let them know that you are committed to a healthy diet and need support in making this a success. Have a family meeting and let your children know that you have learned how to feed them more healthy food. Let them know that you did not know that some of the things you were feeding them were not so good for them and apologize. The apology is very important. It may prevent your children from, later, apologizing to their children for feeding them dangerous, artificial foods. Let your family know that you will be introducing new items to their diet. Ask them for their cooperation on this journey, by doing their best to get into new foods, new tastes and new food combinations. Inform them that the family will be eating and drinking different brands of some of the things they are use to… only the new brand will be better for them. Tell them that they will not be eating harmful substances like meat (blood,) dairy, processed, fast foods, sugar, preservatives, additives, artificial colors, starch, etc.
The gradual way to wean your children from a harmful diet, it can be done by including Herbal Elite, natural herbal compound, in their regular food intake; removing one harmful substance at a time, and adding natural foods until you have changed your family’s entire diet.
I have a question for you. Once you learn that you are feeding your children so-called foods that are harmful to their health and well-being, why wouldn’t you stop feeding it to them as soon as you learn the truth?
QUESTION: What is the most difficult challenge when it comes to fasting?
There are many. However, none are insurmountable when you are commited to a healthy lifestyle or are facing a medical emergency. I will share a few. The first being fear of the unknown. The more truthful information you have on nutrition, fasting and intracellular cleansing, the less fear you will experience. The more you learn about your body, the more confidence you will become during your journey. Other challenges are, not eating when the craving for food comes over you (watching television commercials will make it much more difficult to resist the cravings on your fast;) not having a support system during your fast; smelling your favorite foods being cooked and seeing someone eat or prepare what you can not even taste; receiving negative feedback from ignorant people, and those who use scare tactics to get you to come off your fast (Some people do not like it when they see you losing waste and looking good. False friends will become scarce;) staying on task and retaining the integrity of your commitment to your health… not eating, not even tasting food during your fast.
QUESTION: My listeners have various health concerns (obesity, impotence, menstruation… cramps, moodiness, heavy bleeding, headaches, diabetes, high blood pressure, unable to conceive, no or low energy, depression, stressed, menopause symptoms, irritable bowel syndrome.) What advice do you have for them?
The beauty about 'The Journey to Health and Wellness', intracellular cleansing, and fasting is that symptoms and so-called dis-eases can be reversed by the same method… cleansing and revitalizing the cells. If you are not fasting, eat only from the ‘Food For a Healthy You’ list, take your herbal compounds, drink the purest water you can find and breathe… deep cleansing breaths throughout your day.
During your consultation, you will learn more specifics about what you might expect during your journey.
QUESTION: How do you get nutrients if you are not eating?
By taking the herbal compounds, you are being nourished. Herbs are food. You are eating and your cells are being cleansed of metabolic waste and sticky matter. The glue that coats your cells and prevents you from digesting, absorbing and assimilating nutrients, and also prevents your cells from proper oxygenation. While you are eating the so-called food you have been eating (with empty calories,) you are not being fed. Additionally, food that is grown in soil that does not contain minerals in that soil will not nourish you. When you cleanse, you are cleaning and revitalizing your cells, and you are being fed on a cellular level.
This is a living site and changes often. We welcome your questions and invite you to visit again soon for more Q & A.
Here's to Your Highest Health!
Thank you as always you bring a wealth of information and knowledge to the greater community of mis-informated folks....the color of people is not important the information they feed on is....continue to bring light to to work of choice so that we can seewhat is needed to live healthy. Health is wealth....love is the message.....
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