"Change We Can Believe In"
Transition from the Sidelines
Sunday, January 10, 2010 7:55PM

It has been an empowering and inspiring experience, participating in the Primal Blends Herbal Elite dietary challenge. I have borne witness to the physical, mental and spiritual transformation that comes from committing to a balanced and wholesome food and exercise program. Her compassion and depth of awareness makes Cleaster Cotton a very effective lifestyle coach. She is a living testimony to the process she advocates.
As I have watched her coach my family into better health patterns I have noticed my children be able to focus better, and have more energy. They enjoy the new foods and do not miss parting with their unhealthy ways.
My wife has been enjoying the path of returning to her stronger self as a result of the fasting program she is pursuing under Cleaster Cotton's guidance. It is giving her new life, and a sense of excitement about herself that makes her journey a pleasure to engage in.
The effects of her program sheds unnecessary waste from your life. Physically you will feel the burden of bad diet removed from your system. You will feel better, look better, and you will actually notice a change in the texture of your skin. Emotionally, you will notice the chaos of chemical imbalance stabilized as the impurities that lead to psychosis are replace by nutrients that enhance the synaptic response in your nervous system and lead to clearer thinking and the ability to better process your emotional state. Spiritually, the process of cleansing alleviates the psychic baggage accumulated over years of unchecked experiences. Simply being in a state of enforced evolution puts the spirit at ease, as the body ceases to hold on to tension and stress.
Cleaster Cotton's Herbal Elite program truly nurtures the miracle of self. It fosters genuine independence and the sort of awareness that enhances well being. It has been an experience that reaches far beyond what I thought was possible for the human machine and teaches a fundamental lesson of what we are truly able to manifest if given an opportunity to live beyond the illusions of consumption in American diet programs.
~ Ras Benzo
"Voyage to Freedom"
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 2:06 AM
I started taking the herbs in September of 2009. I can honestly say, at the time I wasn't fully present in the journey. I was still eating crap, in the beginning. That was soon to change. From the first day I took the Herbal Elite, I never wanted to be without them. I ordered a month's supply and haven't been without them since. The herbs have elevated my energy level and relaxed my central nervous system. Herbal Elite has raised my state of consciousness. And, along with exercise, has lowered my blood pressure. I am so full of gratitude for the herbs.
In December, I started the Fit To Be Goddess "Shedding The Waste" program. In this program you replace your normal food with food on the "Food For You" list and Herbal Elite. I later committed to take only the herbs, in a juice and water fast. I have lost 40lbs of waste in a little over a month. I am completely energized. And, I am being fed on a cellular level. I still have quite a ways to go in removing all the waste from my body fully and getting down to my natural weight. But, I am totally committed to the process. Every day I have a new experience, every day I grow, and every day I loose weight and waste.
As a 28-year-old mother of two, I now completely overstand the importance of being healthy. I want to live for my children and myself. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I got all the way up to 368 pounds. Today, I am 322 pounds. I know, for a fact, that Herbal Elite is helping me save my life.
I love Herbal Elite, and I never want to be without it.
~ Nicole "Lotus Speaks" Benzo - Founder, Fit To Be Goddess
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Testimony for Herbal Elite
Friday, January 15, 2010 10:14 AM
My experience with Herbal Elite is huge! After leaving an abusive relationship, it was time to heal and rebuild my self… from the ground up. But, I wasn't even sure where to begin. I was introduced to Herbal Elite by a sister-friend and have never looked back since.
Herbal Elite immediately went to work on one of my biggest issues… my womb. Since I began my menstruation, at eleven, it has been out of wack. Living with the irregularity of my cycle just seemed like a normal thing to me, until I learned (along the way) that it wasn't supposed to be so sporadic. Later on into my adulthood, I took control of my health. Then, I found out that I was living with cysts and fibroids on my uterus. It caused me physical and emotional pain. It even led me to believe that I would never conceive, because of the blockage in my uterus from the cysts.
Despite my problem, I did get pregnant. After giving birth to my son, I was told by my doctor that I needed to have the cysts and fibroids removed. So I went under the knife and a year later, still no regular cycle.
Taking this natural compound cleansed me of what thousands of dollars of surgery and conventional medicine could never do!
Using his herbal cure moved me to change my son's eating habits. I was proud, at one point, to give him the typical 'kid' food: fishsticks, Lunchables, Caprisun drinks, chicken nuggets, carrot sticks and everything else thought to be healthy for youngsters. He now eats a mucusless, meatless diet, along with me, and devours the flavors of real food that feeds his body and not just his belly. He even asks me for Herbal Elite when he sees me at the blender whipping up a drink. With the highest pleasure, I can give him some, knowing that he is being fed from Nature.
On top of cleansing my cyst and fibroids from my body in only 3 weeks I have shed 35 pounds of waste and weight from my body. I looked at myself in the mirror, one day, crying tears of joy to see my real self… for the first time in over seven years.
My transformation, in taking these very special herbs, has utterly and completely changed my life. It helped to trigger the deepest parts of me and truly bring out the best in me. I could have never began this journey to wellness that I'm on had it not been for Cleaster Cotton's Herbal Elite.
PS ~ This photo was taken before Herbal Elite and my journey to health and wellness.
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Herbal Elite
Thursday, February 11, 2010 - 11:55PM
I have taken the herbs twice so far, once on Tuesday Morning and once Thursday morning. Before I took them on Tuesday morning I exercised briefly (10 minutes?), mixed the herbs with fruit juice to take them. Tuesday I felt energized and focused during the day. I attributed this to the combination of the herbs and the exercise. Today (Thursday) I took the herbs again, this time at 1pm. About 30 min later I felt a burst of energy. Not in the way that caffeine boosts me, but in a balanced way without the jittery felling that caffeine gives. For the rest of the day I was focused and able to take on more than I usually would, so much so that I asked for my responsibilities to be increased. I didn't get the late afternoon drop in energy that usually comes about 3:30pm. I was good for the entire afternoon. mind you, I have only taken the herbs twice and already feel a positive difference.
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Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:47PM
A few years ago I discovered I was an emotional eater. This means that when my unmanaged emotions were in an uproar I ate to comfort myself. Being overweight/obese for the majority of my lyfe, sometimes I felt as if I did not have the power or even the right to become a physically healthy person. Today I am on day 11 (eleven) of my Highest Health Cleansing Fast and have released 16 (sixteen) pounds of toxic waste from my body.
With Herbal Elite as my food, everyday I feel my body thanking me for allowing it the time to rest, repair, and restore itself to a healthy state. This feeling is priceless. The physical energy I have to dance and exercise is amazing! My mental clarity is sometimes unbelievable! Spiritually each day grow stronger and become more focused on the path I have chosen to help God save the world!
Under the direct guidance of Cleaster Cotton and with the support of my Fit To Be Goddess Sistars, I am taking back the power to save my own lyfe. Today I am truly thankful for the reflection of Light that shines through me with the knowing that: I AM BECOMING A HEALTHY PERSON! I give thanks for Mother Goddess Healer Cleaster Cotton! I give thanks for God's gift of Herbal Elite. I give thanks for being apart of this Highest Health Revolution! GO GOD GO!
LoVe & Light
-Jai RoZell
Artist, Facilitator of Healing
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Saturday, February 26, 2010 8:57PM
What Herbal Elite means to me is life, energy and health. It is my life line! I am Peggy Dodson, CEO and Founder of Urban Broadcasting Company, UBC-TV. I have known Cleaster for many years and must say that she is one of the most creative beings I have ever met. She was born a healer and an artist. I have been on my personal healing journey for some time now and Cleaster is always there to help me when I am at my best and when I am not.
I lead a very intense and busy lifestyle that does not always afford me the opportunity to eat properly. So I take my Herbal Elite everyday and it feeds me and takes me through my day energized, balanced and feeling really good. I don’t have cravings for all the crazy so-called food that is out here and that is a beautiful thing! It has also helped me to recover from a cold recently in just a couple of days!! Herbal Elite is helping me to feel balanced and in harmony with the Universe. I cannot see myself without this wonderful product. It has become a part of my life. Herbal Elite is my life line!
Peggy D.
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This is Peggy Dodson and I just want to say that I healed from a flu in 2 days because I was taking Herbal Elite. When I caught the cold I doubled up on my doses, drank plenty of water and juice, wrapped up and the next day by fever had broken and I felt much better.
I feel so much different when I am taking Herbal Elite than when I am not. It is a dramatic difference!! I feel more clear, happy, centered and in my body when I am taking it. I look better.
I am eating better and am committed to my health. Thanks Cleaster and keep up the wonderful work you are doing.
Peggy D
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