The Primal Blends Family is an organization of naturalists committed to the health and wellness of the global family. We declare that optimum health and happiness is each individual’s birthright.
Our children have the right to be properly nourished and given the strongest foundation from which to grow into healthy, productive adults. They need us, and we need each other. The Primal Blends Family is leading humanity into a paradigm shift for a healthy lifestyle.
We are grateful and blessed with the opportunity to share the truth.
Personalized Services
We offer you a variety of personal services that allow you to support your life and reclaim control of your birthright - health, wellness, and happiness. They include:
· holistic health programs
· natural nutrition consultations
· organic food preparation classes
· sustenance awareness conferences
· supermarket survival safaris
· self-empowerment workshops
We appreciate your support in our mission to reverse the health challenges in America and across the globe.
Here’s to Your Highest Health!
Cleaster Cotton, Founder
Primal Blends Global, Inc.
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Irish Moss is known to have the following benefits:
•helps with chronic bronchitis, glands, goiter, lung problems, thyroid problems, and weight reduction
•useful in any treatment of the skin or the mucous membrane
•main use is in respiratory problems such as bronchitis
•has the ability to absorb liquid and eliminate it from the body, eliminating extra body fluids
•absorbs toxins from the bowels
•provides bulk to the stool and soothes inflamed tissues
•helps to pull radiation poison from the body
•assists in reducing appetite by virtue of its ability to absorb moisture
•fills the intestinal tract with a mucilaginous bulking type material
•increases the discharge of tissue waste through the G.I. tract.
Burdock is known to have the following benefits:
•alternative, considered a good source of nutrients to help build the body
•blood purifiers; specific in all blood cleansing and detoxification problems; value for skin, for skin sores, arthritic, and glandular problems
•a strong liver purifying and hormone balancing herb
•used in some cancer cases; used as a poultice on skin cancer
•helps the pituitary gland to release protein in proper amounts
•maintains hormonal balance
•a good source of iron
•has the ability to neutralize most poisons; clear the blood of harmful acids
•used to relieve both the kidney and lymphatic system
•can reduce swelling around the joints by promoting kidney function
•increases the flow of urine
•helps with abscesses, acne, allergies, arthritis, blood cleanser, blood purifier, boils, bruises, burns, scalds, cancer, canker sores, catarrh, chicken pox, colds, constipation, eczema, fevers, fluid retention, hemorrhoids, herpes, hyperglycemia, itching, kidney problems, liver problems, lymphatic congestion, poison ivy, rashes, skin disorders, swelling, syphilis, tonsillitis, tumor (gland, spleen,) ulcers, uterus (prolapsed,) venereal diseases, wounds
Kelp is known to have the following benefits:
•aids in cleansing regimen; stimulates the metabolism, strengthening the body system
•used for improving mental alertness
•helps soothe an irritated throat and mucous membranes
•may reduce cholesterol levels, treat obesity; increase thyroid activity, may kill intestinal parasites
•diet aid (absorbs water in intestines to form bulk,) thyroid stimulant and glandular balancer
•help handle uric acid and eliminate it from the body system (acidity and lack of essential nutrients for nerves and their insulating sheaths leads to inflammation and neuritis)
•helps with arteries, acne, birth defects (prevention of,) colitis, complexion, eczema, endocrine gland, fingernails, hair loss, goiter, infection, morning sickness, pregnancy, radiation poisoning, and tumors
•has effectively accelerated the burning of excess calories
•provides nutritional support to the nervous system and heart
•supplies hypertensive and serum cholesterol lowering principles
•can bind radioactive strontium, barium, and cadmium in the gastrointestinal tract, preventing their absorption into the body
•has Iodine (which acts as a tranquilizer and interrupts the disease chain)
•primary chemical constituents of this plant include mucilage, algin, mannitol, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, iodine, bromine, potassium, volatile oils, and many other minerals
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Natural Herbal Compound
Contains: Kelp, Irish Moss and Burdock
Daily Dosage:
2 tablespoons daily (1 level tablespoon of Herbal Elite powder in a hot or cold beverage - morning and midday.) Be sure to select your fruit and fruit juices from our 'Food For You' list only.
SMOOTHIE ~ Suggestion One:
For a delicious smoothie or fruity shake, blend Herbal Elite powder with fresh fruit juice, fresh or frozen fruit, and water. Spice with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger powder or fresh ginger root, and a few drops of pure vanilla extract (optional.) Add agave nectar or maple syrup to taste. Fresh juice or juice that is NOT from concentrate is recommended. Have fun blending your favorite fruity flavors. Drinking water enhances the effectiveness of Herbal Elite.
HOT TEA SHAKE ~ Suggestion Two:
In a blender, add 1 level tablespoon of Herbal Elite powder to hot water, fill blender 1/2 full. Sweetened with your choice of agave nectar, maple syrup or date sugar. Spice with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger powder or fresh ginger root. Add agave nectar or maple syrup to taste. Remove the center portion of the blender top and COVER THE TOP OF THE BLENDER WITH A CLOTH, PRIOR TO BLENDING, SO AS TO PREVENT HOT WATER LIQUID FROM SPLATTERING AND SCAULDING ~~~ BE CAUTIOUS!. Blend for less than a minute and pour into a large tea cup or large mug. If you do not have a blender handy, use a fork to stir the powder into hot water in a large tea cup or large mug.
Make your morning and mid-day servings at the same time. Add 2 tablespoons of Herbal Elite to a full for your smoothie/shake or tea. Also, you can always let your tea cool, and follow Suggestion One (above.)
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$110.00 ~ 6-week supply (includes shipping and handling)
Call for an appointment (404) 422-5733
We also also offer:
· holistic health programs
· natural nutrition consultations
· organic food preparation
· sustenance awareness
· supermarket survival safaris
· self-empowerment workshops
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Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information is provided for instructional purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. You should read carefully all product packaging. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.
This information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on the PRIMAL BLENDS GLOBAL ® site.
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I was twelve years old when improper diet had its greatest impact upon my life. My lovely mother suddenly died soon after her thirty-seventh birthday from a brain aneurysm. She was vibrant, beautiful and had high blood pressure. Somewhere in the whirlwind of the loss of my mother, I decided that Mama’s fate would not be mine. I promised myself that I would learn the truth about health and wellness and apply it to my life. Less than five years ago, my dear father died from complications due to diabetes. Recently, my beloved sister, whom raised me after my mother passed, suffered a stroke and can no longer speak to me, laugh, sing or dance with me.
Food has devastated my family and robbed me of loved ones. I did not know the truth about food, the difference between natural and artificial, in time to save my mother. I was too young. But, I did have the knowledge in time to help my father before diabetes claimed his life. I also knew exactly what to do to prevent my sister from being incapacitated by a stroke. The irony is that I have helped others reverse various illnesses. Yet, I must watch while my loved ones suffer and perish because of what they choose to eat. A great healer once said to me, “You will not be able to help the people you want to help. You will only be able to help the ones who want to be helped.” At the time, I had no idea how deeply his words would impact my life.
This is the twenty-first century, and there are still women in some African countries being fattened up like livestock, because a woman’s weight is a symbol of a man’s wealth. Why repeat the worse practices of our ancestors? My mother’s excess weight was traditionally acceptable in our southern African American family. We condone the extra weight and look upon the ‘Big Mama’ plumpness as, “… a nice and healthy female with some meat on her bones.” When the fact of the matter is, that superfluous weight is waste. That waste is constipation, even if consider your bowel movements ‘regular.’ Waste overtaxes the body’s systems and organs. This prevents the cells from receiving oxygen and nutrients. The body’s ability to shed debris from unnatural, undigested foods becomes compromised. Diminished health and disease is eminent. The death of my mother fed into the statistical pool of African American women with high blood pressure and diabetes, who fall ill or die, because their diet was dictated by tradition and ignorance to the truth.
I recall stories told by my ancestors about how life was for my family in the south, before they came to New York. Most of our family stories from slavery and modern times are about food. I remember hearing the elders about talk about how hard they had to work to get a small morsel of food or the smallest amount of money to buy food to feed the family; how we cooked up delicious answers to what was left over after the slave master’s family ate. Necessity created the perfect environment for us, with our African genetics, to be creative in food preparation. We even made the unmentionable parts of animals taste so good that the slave masters would demand that we prepare it for their tables. We found ourselves eating outside of that which is natural and engaging in unnatural, so-called foods. Starch, dairy, salt, sugar, flesh, and vegetation created by man consistently wreak havoc on our bodies, providing disease with a home, and decrease the quality of life we experience while shortening our lives.
My first experience with intracellular cleansing, natural herbal compounds and natural foods, as the means by which to reverse disease, was nearly twenty five years ago. Due to a back injury, I was suffering from sciatica and in great pain. The pain was so severe that it impeded my ability to move comfortably and prevented me from walking. A friend, had been telling me about these people in Brooklyn, New York who were using herbal compounds, made from natural, tropical plants. She said they were healing people in the community of all sorts of diseases. She told me to call Dr. Sebi and Maa. I finally made the call and that was when my journey began.
I learned that intracellular cleansing is cleaning the body’s cells of impurities; natural herbal compounds are blends of natural plants; our natural food (such as herbs, fruit and vegetation) contains minerals, was placed in nature at creation and does not need man’s intervention to grow. I was taught that the locations of these indigenous plants are specific to the minerals found in their soil; native plants extract the minerals from the soil and present them to us in a form by which we are able to digest and assimilate their nutrients. This is called, ‘chemical affinity.’ Disease is the presence of mucus and acid in the body and when the mucus membrane is compromised. A cure is obtained by way of pathology. Subduing symptoms does not offer a cure. WOW! I had hit paydirt… literally and figuratively. I had manifested the wellness resource I had been searching for since I was twelve years old. For the first time, I heard things about healing and nutrition that made sense and felt true. The simplicity and results were consistent. I went on my first fast (for 90 days) while feeding and cleaning my body, on the cellular level, with 100% natural herbal compounds. In turn, my body taught me more than I could ever imagine. There is nothing like first-hand experience. Amazingly, I experienced true health for the first time in my life. And, before the pain from the sciatica, I thought I was pretty healthy!
I must give thanks. I am thankful and blessed to have leading naturalists as my mentors, friends and extended family. The most instrumental are Dr. Sebi of the Usha Research Institute, Inc. (co-founder of The Fig Tree,) Maa of The Fig Tree, and Ahsa Ahla (aka Wayne Byers) of Genesis 1 Nutrition. I am grateful that I was one of the blessed people spending time, on a daily basis, at the healing center in Brooklyn… learning, fasting, taking herbs, drinking water, cleansing, sharing, and healing. A chosen few were present for the birth of compounds that went on to cure many so-called incurable diseases (such as sickle cell anemia, cancer, and the HIV/AIDS viruses.) It was a powerful, life-altering time, which enabled me to heal myself and go on to help others do the same.
I know some people who will fight you, if you even talk to them about changing their diet to a natural one that supports their lives. We have been so brainwashed with false information about food that we will defend a nectarine (hybrid of a peach and a plum) and argue you down in defense that the orange thing (carrot) that Bugs Bunny eats is real -- when it is a hybrid, genetically engineered offspring of the Wild Yam and Yarrow (Queen Ann’s Lace.) These same misinformed people will tell you to eat carbohydrates, protein and starch, to juice beets, eat soy, lamb and drink wheat grass shots. The law of chemical affinity speaks to the force of molecular attraction. Chemical affinity dictates that humans should ingest minerals as food.
In America, the less money you have, the worse your food selections are. Empty calories in sugar, salt, starch, chemicals, additives and preservatives are what your money buys. It costs more money to buy natural food and even more to buy organic. The price to eat food free of these killers costs a pretty penny.
While working at the premier organic and natural grocery store, I would tell people to come in to the store and buy their food there. They would say, “It is too expensive to eat organic and healthy food.” What more people need to know is, the more we buy organic, the faster the costs will lower. The more we buy organic, the healthier we become and the healthier our planet will be for our future generations, all the earth’s creatures, and ourselves as well.
The ‘industrial agricultural age’ devastated global health by creating unnatural food items. This era focused on industry and income while creating generations of sick and slowly dying people. A part of the remedy is to research and learn the truth about what you are eating. Read labels of everything you buy… all of the time. And, buy organically grown, natural foods.
On my journey, I have shared experiences and listened to friends and colleagues speak about their experiences during their journey. I have helped individuals help themselves. Some successes have been: teaching obese people how to lose weight/waste; helping chronic acne suffers skin clear up. A couple that was reproductively challenged for eight years got pregnant after one year of cleansing; several people who suffered from nervous system disorders (stress, anxiety, insomnia, addiction, and anger) experienced calm quiet nerves and self-control; people suffering from chronic constipation, who think they are clean inside because they have bowel movements, clean pounds and pounds of waste out of their bodies and experience a dramatically positive change in their overall health, appearance and attitude. Females find relief from problems with menopause (hot flashes and mood swings) and menstrual cycles (cramps, irregularity, excessive bleeding, headaches, symptoms of PMS.) Lower blood pressure and weight loss has been common results.
Herbal Elite™ is a natural herbal compound. I blend minerals from the land and sea. It simultaneously nourishes and cleans your body. You just blend the powder in juice or a smoothie and drink a glass in the morning and one at midday. Herbal Elite ™ gives you energy and calms your nerves; it helps you lose weight/waste, and many more benefits which have been reported. Just read the Personal Testimonials.
America is overweight and undernourished. Eating unnatural food has an adverse affect on the body. All you have to do is experiment with your own body, as I did, by cleansing, eating naturally and then eating an unnatural substance. Mucus, discomfort and symptoms will return. Stop eating those substances and the symptoms disappear and health will be restored.
The wellness journey to health is not linear. It is cyclic. One day you are on task and doing all the right things to attain your personal optimum health, and the next day you are eating rice or pasta. If you are gentle to yourself and do not lose hope, you can get back on track.
Exercising and drinking water is essential to optimum health. Water helps all of the body systems. There are many ways to exercise and tricks to drinking more water.
It is more beneficial to eat a small amount of high quality, natural food than to eat a large quantity of unnatural (so-called) food.
Fasting and intracellular cleansing (with herbal compounds) eliminates discomfort, symptoms and reverses disease in the body.
There are different kinds and levels of fasting. Just find your starting point (what you can honestly commit to and stick to.) You can gradually grow towards higher fasts.
Know this: Herbs = Food. You are not starving yourself if you are fasting while taking nourishing natural herbal compounds.
When you commit to your Wellness Journey, there is a support system, a network of people, ready to share their stories, experiences and resources with you.
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Claim Your Health and Wellness in the New Year
Dear Global Family ~
Happy New Year and congratulations! You made it through the most gluttonous time of the year… the season of over-eating. And, as the dust settles, you find your clothes don’t fit your wardrobe choices have dwindled. You are irritated and not feeling or looking your best. Consider yourself among the fortunate. You were able to push yourself away from the table, even if you are feeling sluggish and ‘fed up’. Many people fall into pain, illness, and pay hefty prices for misguided eating and overeating. If you are still gorging, hopelessly, because you feel there is no turning back, there is hope. Give yourself credit for surviving the plentitude of ‘un-Food’, be thankful, and turn the beat around by making a decision to nourish your body and cleanse it of the waste.
The first thing you want to do is make a decision to re-claim your birthright of health and wellness; make a reasonable commitment to yourself and stick to it. Then, start drinking your water. Your daily consumption should be (at least) half your body weight in ounces. So, if you weigh 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces of H2O (water) per day. Find a container that you like and figure out how many of those you need to fill with water and drink each day. Juice does not count as a part of your daily intake of H2O (water.) Also, eat only natural fruits and vegetables; take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water and take two tablespoons of Herbal Elite each day.
Herbal Elite, the flagship product of Primal Blends Global, is an all-natural, plant-based food in powder form. It is preventative, restorative, regenerative, and cleansing. It can be blended with fruit juice as a cold smoothie or mixed in water and agave nectar, as a hot tea.
It is important that you regard Herbal Elite the same as you regard your food, because it is food. It nourishes and cleanses you... breaks down concentrations of metabolic waste, undigested food in the colon which causes your mid-section to bulge and creates an environment for dis-ease to flourish. This blend of herbs melts fat (troublesome waste… even if you are not overweight.) This food regulates hormonal balance, and restores harmony within your central nervous system.
Your six-week supply builds up your body's mineral supply, and replaces lost minerals. Athletes love their improved work-outs while taking Herbal Elite. And, it affords you a restful sleep.
Herbal Elite is for you if you are: thin, young, elderly, bed-ridden, depressed, frail, sleep-deprived, anxious, pre or post-menopausal, in pain, recovering from surgery or addiction, have problems focusing, are tired, need energy, are hyper, are having female or male problems, are in training, studying, experiencing stress or cravings of any kind. It removes waste. Please do not think that because you are thin that you do not need to be nourished or cleansed. If you lose any weight, it will be pure waste… dead cells and fecal matter within your body that is preventing cellular nourishment and waiting to create dis-ease. And, who wants that!? This all-natural, plant-based food has helped others alleviate these challenges… and then some.
Cleaster Cotton
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Order your 6-week supply of Herbal Elite for $110.00 (shipping and handling included) via Pay Pal to
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This information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on the PRIMAL BLENDS GLOBAL ® site.